Dominoes are flat, thumb-sized rectangular blocks that have either a blank or a number of spots or dots. There are 28 dominoes in a standard domino set. They have many nicknames, including bones, tiles, cards, spinners and tickets. They are used for games in which a player’s aim is to place dominoes on the table so that their ends match and form long chains or angular patterns. A domino set also includes a boneyard or boneyard area from which players draw tiles.
A game of domino can be very complex, but the basic rules are simple. Each player draws seven tiles from a domino set. The remaining dominoes are called the “boneyard.” The stock is a reserve from which players can draw more tiles when they need them. Normally, play stops when the players run out of tiles or reach a point where no one can proceed. The winning player is the one who has the fewest total pips in his or her dominoes.
The most popular type of domino game is a blocking or scoring game, in which the objective is to empty the opponent’s hand. Most domino games are played with the standard double-six set of 28 dominoes, although larger sets exist for games that involve several players or more tiles per player.
In addition to blocking or scoring, domino games may be based on arithmetic properties of the pips. Some domino games include puzzles in which the goal is to place tiles based on the arithmetic values of their pips, such as totals of lines of dominoes or tile halves.
Another common use of the term domino is in the phrase domino effect, which refers to a single action that triggers a series of greater–and often dramatic–consequences. For example, tipping over a single domino in a line of dominoes causes all the other dominoes to fall over as well.
While Domino’s is best known for its pizza, it has a wide variety of other food items as well. They also make appetizers, pastas and cakes. Their bakery is a very popular destination for people looking to buy gifts for their friends and family members. Their online ordering system allows customers to place orders through their phones, tablets and computers.
One of the things that makes Domino’s so successful is its emphasis on listening to its employees and customers. This value has been ingrained in the company’s culture since its founding. When it comes to employee feedback, Domino’s listens carefully and implements changes quickly. For instance, they responded to complaints about their rigid dress code by relaxing it. They also take a proactive approach to customer service, introducing new ways to order pizza, such as by texting or using devices like the Amazon Echo. Domino’s has also been at the forefront of developing software analytics to help improve its business. By analyzing data, Domino’s can identify what works and what doesn’t. In addition, they can make predictions about future trends.